Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Hey guys!  I haven't been able to write much lately, so that's why there's been a lack of posts for a while.  But I promise to get some more fiction up here in February.  Y'all can hold me accountable now, okay?

This is also your reminder for January:
Anyone who is currently writing a story, letter, blog, column, or whatever, go right now and add a paragraph.  If you put it off, it won't happen.  So stop what you're doing and write, just a little bit, for today.  Make it your goal to finish that story, letter, etc.  If you can, find time every day or every week to add just a little bit more.  Let's get these things written!

This is something else you can hold me accountable for, then.  I hope to do little "writing reminders" every month so everyone has a specific reason to write.  Remember, somebody's counting on you to finish that piece.  Don't let them down?

Okay, peace out y'all.