Thursday, February 25, 2016

Aaaaaand time once again for the writing reminder! Wherever you are when you see this, just take a moment to add a paragraph to whatever you're working on, however that looks for you. If you've lost the inspiration and you can't add a paragraph, edit your previous paragraphs or get your piece typed out. Just do something writing involved. I believe in you!

PS: this is an "on your honor" type of thing. But I trust y'all. You wouldn't lie to me... Right? Right! Good talk.

Okay, so today I'm writing something that I've been meaning to get off my chest for a while now.

If you enjoy writing, but other people, be they family, friends, teachers, or whoever else, tell you that you're bad at writing, ignore them and write anyway. If you don't like your pieces, and you don't want to share them, write anyway. If everything around you is crashing down, and you don't have time to write, but it's the only thing that can make you feel better, write anyway.

My personal philosophy is that, to a reasonable extent, you should do what makes you happy. Eat good food, have good friends, and if writing makes you happy, write.

Sometimes, family can be the worst at letting you create joy for yourself, in this case by discouraging you from pursuing your interests. If anyone tries to tell you that you can't or shouldn't enjoy something you aren't good at, remind them that you can enjoy playing a game without winning.

Honestly, this hasn't been a problem for me, personally. I've always had loads of support in my hobbies, for better or for worse. But it's been going around that there are people who have stopped doing the things they love because of acquaintances constantly putting them down.

Don't let anyone ever tell you to do something based on what they think you're good at. Don't ever take a hobby you hate because that's what you're "good at." I hate to be so cliché, but chase your dreams. Only you can decide whether you're going to live your life the way you want to live it or the way someone else thinks you should live it.

Edit: Guess what! This was supposed to publish in January. I don't know what happened to it- seems it published a draft instead. So now, you'll get three posts in February.

Another update

Alright guys, remember when I said I would get more actual stories on here? About that... I also promised I wouldn't throw out my worst work just to meet a quota. So I'm going to hold back again this month. I know, I know, I'm awful. But I really do want you to enjoy reading this blog, so I don't want to start pumping out trash.